The Community Infrastructure Levy is a charge which can be levied by local authorities on new development in their area and is used to help them deliver the infrastructure needed to support that development. In our case, although the main proportion is retained by Solihull MBC, we currently receive up to 25% of the sums raised in the Parish.

The Planning Act 2008 (and subsequent amendments) allows the Levy to be used to help fund a broad range of facilities such as play areas, open spaces, cultural and sports facilities, healthcare facilities, schools, road safety and other community facilities. This flexibility gives local areas the opportunity to choose what infrastructure they need to deliver their relevant plan. Projects should primarily benefit parish residents and enhance services openly available to all.

Hampton Parish Council most recently received CIL funds as a result of the development on the old Cricket pitch off Lapwing Drive. Most of this has been spent or earmarked for schemes such as traffic calming, play area upgrades, and enhancements to village hall and school facilities.

CIL needs to be used to create or conserve infrastructure with a community benefit and we welcome proposals from the community. However, it is not sufficient for schemes to meet the qualifying criteria; with very limited resources available to us we need to attach priorities to the many requests we receive. The Council has set up a Committee to consider all requests for use of CIL funds, and they need so see a project brief, project plan and costings so they can assess the feasibility of supporting any new projects with such funds as might be available at the time.

If you have a proposal which you feel might qualify for CIL support funding you should submit an email with outline details to the Parish Clerk in the first instance.